
A logo splash animation typically features a dynamic introduction of a brand's logo that captures attention and builds anticipation. Here's a detailed description of what such an animation might entail:

Description of a Logo Splash Animation

Scene Setup:
The animation begins with a dark or neutral background that creates an ideal contrast for the logo. Depending on the brand ethos, the backdrop might be a textured surface, a gradient, or a simple solid color.

First Movement:
The animation might commence with abstract shapes or particles slowly coalescing from the corners of the screen or moving towards the center. This establishes a sense of motion and intrigue.

Logo Reveal:
As the shapes converge, they transform into the brand’s colors and morph into the logo itself. This transition can involve a smooth scale-up, rotation, or even a folding effect, which emphasizes the logo's importance.

Energy Burst:
Upon the logo's full appearance, there could be an explosion of light or color that emanates from its center, creating a radiant glow. This burst can include sound effects, like a soft chime or whoosh, to enhance the visual impact and create an immersive experience.

Tagline Integration:
If the brand has a tagline, the logo might be accompanied by dynamic text that slides in or fades up beneath it. The text can appear with a subtle animation, such as a bounce or fade, reinforcing the brand message.

Final Frame:
The animation concludes with the logo settled in its final position, fully integrated into the background. The energy dissipates, fading into a still image of the logo, accompanied by a drop shadow or glow effect to enhance depth.

Call to Action (Optional):
In some variations, a call-to-action or website URL might subtly appear after the logo settles, inviting viewers to engage further.


Overall, a logo splash animation should encapsulate the brand's personality—be it energetic, sleek, or playful—while creating a memorable visual experience. The combination of motion, color, and sound should work cohesively to leave a lasting impression on the viewer.

Heienken Logo Splash

Client Name
: Heienken
: Motion Graphics
Start Date
: Dec 09, 2019
End Date
: Dec 27, 2019
: Completed
Cfa 0